India also withdraws from the dollar for its international trade - créditos MP21

India also withdraws from the dollar for its international trade

On April 1, the new foreign trade policy approved by the Indian government, FTP (Foreign Trade Policy), entered into force to save the dollar and make the rupee a world currency.

The rupee trade has been located at the center of the new plan as part of India's broader policy to ensure the world status of the currency and its use for the settlement of international trade.

The responsible Indian politicians have recently taken several measures to exchange the dollar for the ruble and the rupee in mutual trade with Russia, a country affected by the sanctions. The country has agreed to change to a payment mechanism in rupees for imports of Iranian crude. Malaysia is the last country that has agreed to settle its trade with India using the rupee.

Unlike the practice of announcing an FTP for 5 years, the receipt approved does not have a finalization date and the government will update it when it deems it necessary.

India wants to increase its exports to billions of dollars by 2030. The plan includes a wide range of measures, such as extending the benefits of FTP to e-commerce exports and doubling the value limit for mail exports.

FTP also intends to create a designated area with a storage facility to help electronic commerce aggregators to facilitate storage, customs clearance and the processing of returns.

Trade in India has been severely affected in recent years due to interruptions in the supply chain during confinement and the slowdown of world trade amid ongoing international tensions.


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